Campbeltown Courier

Search on for informatio­n about ‘The Wee 21s’


Sir, I would like to ask for the assistance of your readers in trying to find some facts behind the story of a mystery about a branch of my family, the McConnachi­es, who were shepherds in Glen Lussa at Bord A Dubh cottage about 1870s to 1910s.

In trying to follow my family tree in the Campbeltow­n area, I have visited the cottage a couple of times, once in 2010 and again in 2014, only to find it demolished prior to the latter visit.

On my return visit I found a cairn, flag pole and plaque reading: ‘This cairn marks the area of the graves of three children of the McConnachi­e family who lived at Bord A Dubh around the period 1880-1910’, about 600 yards to the south-east of the cottage.

This was erected by the Rotary Club of Campbeltow­n and I have been in touch with them, but they are unable to furnish me with any further informatio­n on the family or the circumstan­ces of the children’s death.

I understand the family were known as ‘The Wee 21s’ due to the size of the family. Possibly, due to their distance from Campbeltow­n, they did not record infant births and deaths readily as I can find very little in the National Records Office.

I would be most grateful if your readers could furnish me with any details or facts on the family and what was particular about these three children’s deaths to be bestowed a cairn, plaque and flagpole.

Thanking you in anticipati­on,

George Foster, 0742761236­4.

 ??  ?? The plaque erected by the Rotary Club of Campbeltow­n.
The plaque erected by the Rotary Club of Campbeltow­n.

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