Campbeltown Courier

Thought for the Week

- With Marilyn Shedden

I WAS driving to Skipness on Sunday morning for worship and was listening to the car radio.

I was intrigued to hear the broadcaste­r say that they were going to conduct a live experiment on air.

He said that people are very stressed in this modern era and get particular­ly stressed while driving. So, they were going to offer a couple of de-stressing suggestion­s.

First of all they were going to play a live sound from the marshlands with the wind rustling through the grasses.

Next was a live sound from under the ocean with the gentle sounds of the sea.

Stressed drivers were to listen to these and see if the sounds improved their mood.

As I got half way over the Skipness road, looking back I could see the misty Paps of Jura and, looking forward, was the enchanting outline of the Arran peaks.

When I opened the car door, all I could hear was silence. It was a restful silence only interrupte­d by birdsong and the wind whispering in the heather.

When I arrived at the beautiful wee church in Skipness, the peace was palpable.

I couldn’t help but think how fortunate I am to have this on my doorstep.

That evening on TV there were horrendous scenes of 14 miles of traffic jams at Dover with 12-hour delays. No wonder people are stressed. Soon the sound in church was of happy chatter and then quietness, as the organ music drew us together for worship. I think we all need to take time to find rest for our souls.

How fortunate we are in Argyll to be able to listen live, any time we wish, to the sound of the sea, the breath of the wind and the call of the birds.

And also to stop in a lovely wee church and listen for that still small voice of calm.

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