Campbeltown Courier

Could camouflage paint obscure factory buildings?


Sir, If I might be allowed the indulgence of yet another letter – not this time about the proposed Lossit fish farm, though linked – I have only now seen George Sharp’s July 1 letter on that subject, in which he writes that he ‘is not aware of any objections to the huge white constructi­ons which house [the wind turbine factory] and can be seen from nearly everywhere.’

I am certainly not diverting energy to opposing this, but I am certainly frequently struck by how needlessly obtrusive these structures are on account of their white paint.

Of course this is a developing industrial zone - making excellent use of what has been typically ugly defence infrastruc­ture – and I wish it all success in expanding and providing employment opportunit­ies, not least in aquacultur­e.

However, is it too much to hope that, when a repaint becomes due, the new owners might consider some sort of khaki colouring – as is done with so many of the large barns on the Laggan – which is so effective in helping such structures blend with the landscape? The photo below was taken from the old lifeboat station, now research centre, on the Uisead.

Incidental­ly, in my painting which you kindly reproduced a few weeks back, rather than being ‘offcanvas to the left foreground’ the plans show the proposed structure occupying about one-third of the middle distance.

Of course it was painted before the proposals materialis­ed. Dugald Barr, Machrihani­sh and London.

 ??  ?? The edge of the proposed Lossit Fish Farm site
The edge of the proposed Lossit Fish Farm site

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