Campbeltown Courier

Thought for the Week

- with Marilyn Shedden

As I write this on Monday evening, the air is filled with foreboding and uncertaint­y for our country. Tomorrow evening is decision time at parliament. As you will gather, I do not use this column for any political platform and I do not intend to start today. However, I am saddened and concerned that the entire country is torn apart in the whole Brexit fiasco. The country is divided, communitie­s are divided and families are divided. These are not difference­s of opinion which are aired with respect and rational discussion. Unfortunat­ely, people are no longer listening to one another but just seeing who can shout the loudest. Comments are becoming more vitriolic and nasty, they are personal rather than political and tempers are raised to fever pitch. It is unhealthy for our country, it is unhealthy for our community and it is unhealthy for ourselves to be in such a state of hateful rhetoric. Surely the time has come for some calm and rational voices to prevail – on all sides of this issue. Our children are growing up into a country divided and are certainly not learning the art of skilful conversati­on or respectful debate from our politician­s. The example set by the most powerful in the land leaves much to be desired and this is trickling into every aspect of life. Whatever our opinion on this contentiou­s matter, we must find a way forward with reconcilia­tion and respectful listening or we will self-destruct and there will be no winners at all. It may sound naive and unrealisti­c, but what we need is a peacemaker to save us from ourselves. I pray for this country and her people today.

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