Campbeltown Courier

Thought for the Week

- With Marilyn Shedden

I love to wander along the beaches and watch the waves crash over the rocks in their race to get to the shore.

Then, after rushing, they dither about whether they want to be on the sea or the sand.

Watch them as they roll to the edge of the shore then retreat again to the safety of the sea – afraid to commit.

Often it’s hard to cross boundaries in life when there’s safety where we are.

However, the line between sea and shore has changed now.

Where soft golden sand nestled at the edge of the beach at A’Chleit, there are only jagged black rocks.

These golden days of summer have given way to the storms as we dip into autumn. The landscape and seascape have changed, and maybe we also have to change.

At times in our lives we will worry about the boundaries we face, and maybe we will be afraid of what the future might bring.

We would rather be in the sunshine of life, safe on these gentle sands.

We would rather be on the still waters than in the midst of the storms.

We may be afraid of these black jagged rocks which suddenly appear unexpected­ly.

But there have to be shadows to complete life’s picture.

Next time you take a photo, look at the shadows and you will notice that they are always surrounded by light.

As we journey through life, whenever we are in the shadows it’s good to remember that we too are always surrounded by light.

The shores may change, the tides may come and go, but one thing is constant – and that is God’s love for each one of us.

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