Campbeltown Courier

Thought for the Week


Zoom and other platforms have undeniably opened up a wonderful opportunit­y over the past year, helping many people to combat loneliness and isolation and keep connected.

But these same platforms have placed a huge pressure on others. Teachers, younger and older students, those working from home and whole families are expected to cope with, juggle with and even pay for all of this.

Life is increasing­ly stressful and all the usual leisure and social activities are not accessible.

Yet we all know the rhythm of life has to have an ebb and flow if it is to stand any chance of remaining healthy. Currently, it can be a real challenge to be ‘at ease’ when so much of life feels out of control.

For many, faith is the one factor that makes a crucial difference in these times. It changes the focus and reminds us that even in these times our God is faithful and loves us.

In Matthew’s Gospel (11:28) Jesus says: ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’

In the Book of Jeremiah (6:16) God reminds us to take time to stop and look: ‘This is what the Lord says: ‘Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls’.’

The words are ancient and are taken from an ancient book. And yet they are all that we need.

Even on the busiest, most stressful, loneliest or saddest of days we face, living by this way can bring an amazingly deep sense of rest, peace and hope.

Reverend Christine Fulcher, parish assistant, South Kintyre Team Ministry.

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