Campbeltown Courier

Thought for the Week


We’ve been watching the BBC television series Saving Lives at Sea.

One episode, filmed last May, showed the Thames RNLI team trying to help Minnie the minke whale calf. The little whale, having swum into the river, had beached itself on a weir. With the use of an inflatable raft the whale was re-floated.

However, during their attempt to tow the animal back to the sea, it got free. The following day, Minnie was spotted again but this time it had swum further up-stream. Sadly the animal became too weak to rescue.

If only Minnie had been able to understand that those efforts of kindness, to coax it, and lead it and guide it, were all directed to provide freedom and life; the cool clear Atlantic waters whales are designed to enjoy.

Perhaps the raft did feel restrictiv­e, perhaps at times the slings felt uncomforta­ble. How much trust would have been required for the whale to submit to its rescuer?

The bible tells us that we are just like Minnie: we want to be free, but think freedom is to be found by going our own way, the way we all choose by nature. But the bible tells us that the way to freedom is actually not to escape, but to trust and submit to our rescuer the Lord Jesus. He didn’t only spend hours of effort and skill to liberate us; he spent himself.

Jesus said: ‘If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’ Why not turn and trust Him? Reverend Mark Jasper, Campbeltow­n

Community Church.

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