Campbeltown Courier

ACHA committed to Campbeltow­n regenerati­on


In response to Alex McKinven’s letter in the February 11 edition of the Courier titled ‘Any Dalintober developmen­ts must be sensitive’, hopefully I can give an assurance on behalf of Argyll Community Housing Associatio­n (ACHA).

Despite the merits or otherwise of a debate on aesthetic value with respect to the Dalintober buildings, they do not meet the needs of ACHA’s current or future tenants for a variety of reasons around layout and energy efficiency.

ACHA is committed, if demolition is permitted, to build 18 high-quality family homes, built sensitivel­y in this outstandin­g seafront location.

In reference to the gap sites at Saddell Street and Queen Street, ACHA does plan to bring these sites back in to community use and will consult on that in the very near future.

That will be consistent with what we did when we demolished properties in central Campbeltow­n and replaced them with 84 family homes at New Parliament Place, Park Square, Longrow and McCallum Street.

ACHA is committed as a partner of Argyll and Bute Council to do all we can to complete the direction of travel of regenerati­on in central Campbeltow­n over the last 20 years and we believe that our proposal for Dalintober and our consultati­on for Saddell Street and Queen Street will take that forward.

Alastair MacGregor, chief executive, Argyll Community Housing Associatio­n.

I was pleased, however, to be informed that upon reaching my 80th birthday in December this year, if I am still here, I can look forward to a further increase in my state pension of 25 pence per week. Any suggestion­s as to what I should spend this welcome amount on?

Never mind, when the SNP and Greens obtain independen­ce, they will be able to increase my pension from their abundant resources.

Then again, all the SNP’s money trees have been blown down in the recent gales.

Perhaps I should rely upon the Scottish Government being in a position to capture one of the flying pigs overhead to fund my state pension when independen­ce is achieved. Yeah, that’s right!

Keith Abendroth, Campbeltow­n.

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