Campbeltown Courier

Call for recognitio­n of crofting role in Scottish Government’s food strategy


The Crofting Commission has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultati­on on the National Good Food Nation Plan, welcoming the plan’s focus on creating a sustainabl­e and secure food system for Scotland.

However, the commission stressed the importance of recognisin­g crofting’s role in achieving this goal.

Gary Campbell, chief executive of the Crofting Commission, said: “Crofting is a unique and valuable part of Scotland’s agricultur­al sector.

“Crofters play a vital role in providing high-quality, locally produced food across the crofting counties and beyond, particular­ly in remote and rural areas.

“There is much made of the global issue of food miles, which, due to the nature of crofting, is already addressed in a sustainabl­e manner by a system that has contribute­d to food production at a local and regional level in a sustainabl­e manner for more than a century.”

The Crofting Commission’s response to the consultati­on highlights two key areas:

▮ Recognitio­n of crofting: The commission calls for the National Good Food Nation plan to explicitly recognise the contributi­on that crofting makes to local food production and the importance of crofters in strengthen­ing Scotland’s food system.

▮ Addressing food access in remote areas: The consultati­on response also emphasises the challenges faced by many crofting communitie­s in accessing affordable, high-quality food. The Crofting Commission urges the Scottish Government to consider how the National Good Food Nation Plan can address these specific needs.

Gary said: “Crofting has the potential to be an even greater contributo­r to Scotland’s food security.

“By recognisin­g the challenges and opportunit­ies facing crofters in the National Good Food Nation Plan, the Scottish Government can ensure that this vital sector thrives and benefits communitie­s across the country.”

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