Car Mechanics (UK)

Freelance Vehicle Technician­s Are on the Rise


Freelancin­g was once considered something which only marketing, IT and accounting execs could do, but today this new way of working is creeping across all industries, with reports stating that one in seven of us will be self employed by 2020, and the motor trade is certainly not exempt from this. In fact, demand for temporary technician­s in the UK, to cover holiday shortages, sickness, and just the skills gap in general, is increasing at such a rate that there simply LVQ∑W HQRXJK WHPSRUDU\ WHFKQLFLDQ­V DYDLODEOH WR ILOO WKH contracts. Garages up and down the country are currently facing a GRXEOH HGJHG VZRUG VHQG WKHLU YHKLFOH WHFKQLFLDQ­V RQ WUDLQLQJ FRXUVHV DQG WKH\ ULVN HPSW\ ED\V EXW LI WKH\ GRQ∑W the pace of technology in the industry is moving at such a rapid rate, that their workforce will not have the right skill set to service these new vehicles, particular­ly as electric FDUV EHFRPH PRUH SUHYDOHQW (PSW\ ED\V FRXOG PHDQ D ODUJH ILQDQFLDO KLW WR WKH EXVLQHVV VR DV D VROXWLRQ JDUDJH RZQHUV DUH WXUQLQJ WR WHPSRUDU\ RQ WDS ZRUNIRUFH ZLWKRXW committing to costly overheads. %XW ZKDW∑V LQ LW IRU WKH WHPSRUDU\ YHKLFOH WHFKQLFLDQ" $ VWLQW KHUH DQG WKHUH LQ JDUDJHV PLOHV DSDUW" 1RZDGD\V QRWKLQJ is further from the truth. For those who want longer periods of employment in a garage or dealership close to home, the work is out there. The economy thrives on supply and demand and we are functionin­g within an industry where WKH GHPDQG LV KLJK EXW WKH FXUUHQW ZRUNIRUFH VXSSO\ LV straining under the weight of it. )RU WKRVH ZKR KDYH DOUHDG\ EHJDQ D FDUHHU DV D FRQWUDFW YHKLFOH WHFKQLFLDQ WKH\ KDYH EHHQ RIIHUHG D QHZ OHDVH RI OLIH ZLWK PDQ\ FLWLQJ UROH YDULHW\ IOH[LELOLW\ DQG D JUHDWHU ZRUN OLIH EDODQFH DV NH\ DGYDQWDJHV 7KHUH LV DOVR JUHDWHU potential to earn more as a temporary worker, at least £10k more than in the average permanent vehicle WHFKQLFLDQ UROH 7KH EHVW DJHQFLHV ZKR RIIHU UHJXODU temporary contracts can also offer free state of the art manufactur­er training, so temporary technician­s have the IOH[LELOLW\ WR XSVNLOO HQDEOLQJ WKHP WR ZRUN ZLWK D ZLGHU range of different vehicles and manufactur­ers. The industry we are in is progressin­g rapidly and highly skilled temporary technician­s are quickly realising their worth. They are grasping each opportunit­y which comes their way ñ and these opportunit­ies are coming through in DEXQGDQFH

 ??  ?? Today many technician­s prefer contractin­g. They see it as an opportunit­y to upskill, maximise earnings and gain control of their work-life balance.
Today many technician­s prefer contractin­g. They see it as an opportunit­y to upskill, maximise earnings and gain control of their work-life balance.
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