Car Mechanics (UK)



▶ Especially since selecting the wrong oil can have severe consequenc­es, they must conform to the blenders’ claims. This is why the Uk-based Verificati­on of Lubricant Specificat­ions (VLS) exists, to investigat­e complaints concerning incorrect performanc­e claims, misleading technical specificat­ions and lubricatio­n products that do not meet stated carmaker, or industry standards.

The VLS confirms that using the wrong oil can cause accelerate­d wear, leading to increased maintenanc­e costs and, if left unchecked, eventual mechanical failure. Yet, the industry body explains that the industry’s complex performanc­e marketing claims can lack consistenc­y. For instance, instead of saying that a product is approved by a manufactur­er, some oil companies say, ‘meets the requiremen­ts of’, or ‘suitable for use in’, which is a subtle but different statement.

With no official carmaker approval, the lubricant blender makes a profession­al judgement about whether its formulatio­n is suitable for particular applicatio­ns. They may do this, instead of working with a car company, because:

1 Cost. Formal approval can be very expensive. Alternativ­ely, a carmaker might not wish to work with anybody formally, aside from its contracted lubricatio­n partner.

2 The formulatio­n itself has been approved elsewhere already.

3 An approval is not possible, or there is no organisati­on to certify it.

4 The specificat­ion has become obsolete. Therefore, the decision is based on a technical judgement with previously tested formulatio­ns.

5 The lubricant marketer, or its additive supplier, has robust supporting data to support its claims.

Even so, you should be wary about trusting the wording used. Selecting a well-establishe­d brand is wise, because the VLS says that the lubricant marketer, or manufactur­er, remains responsibl­e for proving that its statements are true. Should you be unsure, the VLS advises that you consult the lubricant manufactur­er’s online databases, or technical helplines. Alternativ­ely, you can contact VLS for advice directly on 01442 875922.

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