WAI highlights Cores4cash green initiative
▶ WAI Europe, leading supplier of rotating electrics and electric vehicle (EV) charging cables, is highlighting its green initiative, Cores4cash, as part of the brand’s mission to support recycling of core product to help reduce waste and encourage sustainability.
WAI Europe’s Cores4cash programme is aimed at taking back core from the automotive aftermarket to place it back into remanufactured product. The scheme helps to encourage the return of core, seen as a boost for remanufacturing, via a simple returns process that enables motors factors and garages to be rewarded with a cash incentive.
Since the Cores4cash programme launched in 2019, WAI Europe has seen a significant increase in core return from factors and garages, with over four million pounds of metal recycled.
Richard Welland, president at WAI Europe comments: “Cores4cash involves a simple returns process that provides businesses free provision of a core bin by WAI, which will be collected free of charge when filled with the specific parts listed. Once checked at WAI’S premises, a credit note will be issued within one to two weeks.”
Accepted product groups under the core scheme include starter motors, alternators, EGR valves, diesel pumps, calipers, turbos, steering pumps, diesel injectors and A/C compressors.
Welland adds: “Our green initiative is a win-win for all involved, not only by offering factors and garages a cash incentive and helping increase reman capabilities, but also helping with the elimination of landfill space.”
For more information on the Cores4cash scheme, call 01243 833420 or email sales@waiglobal.com. You can also find out more about WAI Europe at www.waiglobal.com/uk_en