Car Mechanics (UK)

Knock sensor


Q I have a 2005 Honda CR-V 2.0 petrol auto with a knock sensor fault. The knock sensor has been changed but the engine management light is still on, so I suspect there is a wiring fault. The knock sensor is a single wire connection which earths through the block, and I have a spare connector. I would like to run a wire from the knock sensor direct to the engine management unit, but I cannot find a pin out diagram for the connection­s to the ECM so do not know where to connect to.

Are you able to help?

Richard Heron A It will depend on the code you have which I would expect to be P0325, but as you have already renewed the knock sensor, I would suspect that the wiring may be the issue. By carrying out a continuity test, this can be checked without replacing the original wire. I would also add that the cost between a pattern part and the genuine Honda part is quite wide, but I have heard reports of cheaper units not working, and it should never be considered that as the unit is new that it is working effectivel­y, and this may still be the issue. It is also important that the new senor should be tightened to 31Nm.

The details I have are that the wire to the knock sensor should be Red/blue and this should connect to terminal C3 on the engine control module.

The Honda manual instructs that the first test for code P0325 should be to test for continuity between the terminal at the knock sensor and the C3 terminal on the ECM. If the wire is good, and the fault still continues after replacing the knock sensor, then it should be considered that the engine control module is at fault.

 ?? ?? The knock sensor even though replaced may still be at fault.
The knock sensor even though replaced may still be at fault.
 ?? ??

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