Car Mechanics (UK)

Fault code


Q My mother-in-law’s 2015 VW Polo 1.0 petrol non-turbo has just recently put the catalytic converter light on the dashboard. The garage has read this code UO41600 (invalid data received from vehicle dynamics control module) with their scanner but not sure of what the problem is. The garage reset the code but on driving home the light came back on.

Car runs fine but she is a bit concerned and would like to get it fixed. Just wondered if you could point me in the right direction. Ian Browing A I am presuming this is the engine management light which does indicate problems with any area of the engine management system. The code U0416-00 is indicating that invalid data has been received from the dynamics control module.

So, this refers more to the data being received as being non-compliant with the motion of the vehicle. This may be due a poor connection at the ABS unit or one of the sensors, but as the code does clear and then will reappear when driving I would suggest that the most likely reason for this code is either a faulty ABS sensor or reluctor/pick-up.

With this in mind my first action would be a quick physical check of the ABS connecting plugs and the security and position of the ABS sensors, a lose sensor could give this code. If the sensors and the ABS reluctor rings look to be secure and in good order, the next step would be to take the vehicle for a drive with the scanner connected and showing the live data. Whilst driving, a passenger should check the signal from each individual ABS sensor to check for any abnormally. This should give an idea of the area of the problem.

If the ABS sensors do all give an equal speed and read out, then the lateral or YAW rate sensors may be at fault, or it may be the ABS unit, but these are less likely scenarios, and I would certainly start with the ABS system.

 ?? ?? The multiplug on the ABS module would be the first check, any corrosion in this area could cause the issue.
The multiplug on the ABS module would be the first check, any corrosion in this area could cause the issue.
 ?? ??

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