Arthur Daley does supercars

Pagani’s used car solution


|n Pagani-world, used cars take on a slightly di erent hue. The company has hit upon a three-tier process to tailor a more bespoke package depending on what the new owner of an old Pagani wants: Puro (to verify the authentici­ty), Rinascimen­to (restoring the vehicle to its original condition) and Unico (the potential to replace and update virtually everything on the car).

Customisat­ion is at the heart of the scheme. Just as a buyer of a new Pagani can stipulate all manner of unique features, so too can a secondhand owner. No matter the age of the car, every owner can feel special.

While we are visiting the factory, a Zonda S turns up that’s already had several upgrades from the standard car. But the new owner wants it turned into a 760, so it’s in the process of having elements including the aero and interior trim changed.

What’s really clever about the scheme is its pick ’n’ mix nature – owners can select the greatest hits of their model, be it Zonda, Huayra or Utopia, or indeed any of the Pagani specials that have been released in the 25 years of the company’s existence. When you think that there are 21 di erent versions across the three model lines, the possibilit­ies are near limitless. And these go on forever, as and when each car gets sold on again.

Every single car that has ever come out of the atelier could, at its owner’s request, get booked in for an upgrade or refurb at any time, and the list is constantly growing as more new cars are built. More than 40 Paganis went through the aftersales system last year, which means that this team is just as busy as the main shop floor building new cars.

And because it all comes from the factory, with the same Pagani autoclaves turning out either brand new Utopia body panels or Zonda wings, it has the stamp of authentici­ty.

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