Carmarthen Journal

Carmarthen Rotary Club


New Rotarians Ivor and Betty McLatchy, president Mary Thorley OBE and new associate Rotarian Peter Rowland following their induction at the meeting of Carmarthen Rotary Club on November 26 at the Ivy Bush Hotel. CARMARTHEN Rotary Club met on the evening of Monday, November 26.

President Mary Thorley welcomed members and guests to the meeting. Also welcomed was the guest speaker, president David Cooper of Lampeter Rotary Club. David is the former head of human resources at Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London.

Members were enthralled by his account of his experience­s, mainly centring around the crown jewels but including some fascinatin­g tales from one on the ‘inside’.

The crown jewels, as one might expect, have had a colourful history, including being sold and melted down by Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century. The only piece that survived was a gold spoon which was bought by a former royalist, who later sold it to Charles II.

David also included some gruesome accounts of bodies being exhumed in the Royal Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, where they had been interred by the altar following their execution. Amongst those identified were the four unfortunat­e Tudor queens.

President Mary congratula­ted David on his wonderful stories, which brought forth many questions from members.

The president also had the pleasant task of inducting two new Rotarians to the club, Ivor and Betty McLatchy. Fellow Rotarians are looking forward to the club benefiting from their wealth of civic expertise, including raising £23,000 for an ultrasound service in Haverhill, Suffolk. Also inducted as an associate member was Peter Rowland. Again, Pete brings with him a wealth of experience and skills from his many interests, including his exemplary work with the British Alpine Club. His expertise has also been a boon to the Carmarthen Civic Society. Members are looking forward to him making a difference in years to come.

If you would like to learn more about the internatio­nal world of Rotary and becoming a full member, associate member or corporate member, please email the secretary, Coralie Steel, on coralieste­el@yahoo., go to www.facebook. com/Carmarthen RotaryClub or call 01267 236369.

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