Carmarthen Journal

Paedophile’s threats to probation staff


A PAEDOPHILE who pleasured himself while looking at mannequins in a shop window compared the probation service’s attempts to help him with the Nazis’ persecutio­n of the Jews, a court has heard.

Osian Sebastian Winters sent threatenin­g texts to a police officer and made a threatenin­g phone call to a probation officer just hours after walking out of court.

A judge said the defendant seemed to enjoy trying to beat the system – then sent him to prison.

Swansea Crown Court heard that on December 12 this year Winters appeared at the court over his failure to comply with a requiremen­t he be electronic­ally monitored for the purposes of a curfew – that six-month curfew had been imposed after he was convicted of pleasuring himself while looking at mannequins in a shop window. The court heard he didn’t want a tag linked to his address on the city’s Oystermout­h Road, and wouldn’t move to a probation approved address in Llanelli.

That failure put the 24-year-old in breach of a community order - but a new address in Whitland was agreed, and an extra month added to his nightly curfew.

Tom Scapens, prosecutin­g, said Winters left the court after the hearing and shortly afterwards texted a police officer with threats directed towards a probation officer.

Later that same day Winters rang the Llanelli probation office and began making threats to a member of staff – the court heard an “increasing­ly irate” Winters said he would slit the probation officer’s throat if he was ever in the same room as her, and compared the probation service to the way the Nazis persecuted the Jews.

Winters, formerly of Guildhall Square in Carmarthen, had previously pleaded guilty to three offences under the Malicious Communicat­ions Act when he appeared in the dock for sentencing.

Winters has previous conviction­s for more than 20 offences – all of a sexual nature – including one for exposing himself and performing a sex act in front of a young girl on the Millennium Coastal Path, exposing himself in Gorslas Park, and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child. He also has conviction­s for breaching court orders, and for failing to promptly tell the police about his change of name from Scott Aaron Williams.

In 2016 he was made the subject of sexual harm prevention order after being convicted of six counts of causing or inciting a girl under 16 to engage in sexual activity, and two counts of possessing indecent images.

These offences related to extensive and sexually explicit online Skype chats with a 15-year-old girl.

The defendant was back in court in September after being seen on CCTV ogling mannequins in the window of TopShop in Carmarthen while performing a sex act on himself. The court heard the probation service was no longer prepared to work with him.

Judge Geraint Walters told Winters he clearly had “many, many unresolved and complex issues” which needed to be addressed – and until they were tackled it was likely he would keep coming back before the courts, adding custody was now the only option.

For breaching the sexual harm prevention order Winters was sentenced to six months in prison, for outraging public decency with the mannequins to four months, and for making the threatenin­g texts and calls to a total of six months - all sentences will run consecutiv­ely with each other, making a total sentence of 16 months.

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