Carmarthen Journal

Carmarthen Rotary Club


CARMARTHEN Rotary Club met on Monday, December 3.

President Mary Thorley welcomed members to the business meeting.

President Mary was pleased to announce that the handover ceremony at the completion of the Global Grant project, instigated by past president (PP) Raja, had taken place on November 26. Following representa­tions from PP Raja on behalf of the club to Rotary Internatio­nal Foundation Committee, a sum of money was awarded to Carmarthen Rotary Club together with the Rotary Club of Jambukeshw­aram for the provision of smart classrooms, computer lab, separate toilet blocks, setting up a library, office and electronic equipment, kitchen modificati­on, benches and desks, play and sports equipment, drinking water and hand washing systems. PP Raja, PP ND Suresh and his fellow Rotarians in the Rotary Club of Jambukeshw­aram, have worked tirelessly during these last few months to bring this project to fruition, thereby enabling the students of the Thinnanur Government High School, Chennai, India, to enjoy the kind of standards that are expected in schools here in the UK. Not included in the Global Grant are also funds provided by both clubs to pay the wages of a cleaner to ensure that hygienic standards are maintained and also appointing a new teacher to assist with the work in the smart classrooms and computer labs. As PP Raja said a little money can go a very long way in India.

If you would like to learn more about the internatio­nal world of Rotary, or assisting your local community, why not contact us with a view to becoming a full member, associate member or corporate member? Please email the secretary, Coralie Steel, on coralieste­el@yahoo., go to our Facebook page https://www.facebook. com/Carmarthen­RotaryClub or call 01267 236369.

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