Carmarthen Journal

Sixth form students told to self-isolate


SIXTH form students at the biggest secondary school in Carmarthen have been sent home to self-isolate after a confirmed case of coronaviru­s.

Pupils in Years 12 and 13 have been sent home from Queen Elizabeth High, in the Johnstown area of the town.

The decision was made on Thursday morning after a confirmed positive case of Covid-19.

It has not been confirmed whether the positive case relates to a pupil or a member of staff, but it is understood only one person has tested positive.

As a result, the whole of the sixth form at the school - which has more than 1,500 pupils in total, more than 200 of which are in the sixth form - are being asked to self-isolate.

The news comes just two days after it was confirmed that a large number of pupils at Carmarthen’s other secondary school – Ysgol Bro Myrddin – had been told to self-isolate.

The whole of Year 8 at the school were told to stay at home on Tuesday morning while staff liaised with the Test, Trace and Protect team.

On the previous day, a number of students from Year 13 and members of staff were also told to selfisolat­e.

 ??  ?? QE High School, Llansteffa­n Road, Carmarthen
QE High School, Llansteffa­n Road, Carmarthen

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