Carmarthen Journal

Now here is the reality of Christmas shopping


WHY don’t Christmas shoppers really look like they do in the adverts on TV?

Smiling families, matching jumpers and scarves, calmly strolling around the shops, snow gently falling around the town (they never seem to carry ANY bags though, have you noticed?)

Now, here is the reality . . .

The city centre is packed with people moaning that their masks are itchy, people all walking in different directions (always the opposite way to me).

It is impossible to stay two metres apart without creating the longest queue in history, in the rain. We have department stores doubling up as saunas.

It’s freezing outside, so you have to wrap up, but as soon as you walk into a shop it hits you like one of the other half’s midlife flushes!

This feels 10 times worse in a mask, which also ensures your glasses mist up as soon as you walk inside!

It’s the children I feel most sorry for, strapped firmly into their pushchairs with only a Jenkins pastie for company (other pastie providers are available!), so many shopping bags hanging on the back of the pushchair, both child and pastie are in danger of tipping backwards and being catapulted across the store.

Happy shopping, my friends!

 ??  ?? Christmas shoppers look a lot different on TV adverts to real life, writes Phil Evans.
Christmas shoppers look a lot different on TV adverts to real life, writes Phil Evans.

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