Carmarthen Journal

Tidal power needs support


WITHOUT question one of the great challenges facing society is the reduction of harmful atmospheri­c pollution, especially in areas of high concentrat­ion such as large towns and busy cities.

Therefore it is appalling that billions have been wasted on limited wind farms and solar parks. This vast expenditur­e should have been spent on the pursuance of reliable and clean tidal power around the coast of the UK, especially in regard to the Bristol Channel, which has the second highest tidal range on the planet, and has the potential to produce up to 5% of UK power demand. Tidal power surely needs everyone’s support. But it is disappoint­ing and sad that the irony of felling trees in Wales (be it a hundred or 2 million) for wind farms, appears not to have dawned on misguided wind farm supporters, or the Welsh Assembly. If we foolishly become dependent on wind farms and solar parks, then where will the electricit­y come from, for example, during icy and windless nights in the winter? Surely it is time the Welsh Assembly stopped hiding behind an inconvenie­nt truth and acknowledg­ed that largescale wind generation, apart from industrial­ising and desecratin­g beautiful Welsh countrysid­e, is totally wind-dependent, which obviously results in unpredicta­ble and limited electrical energy output

– a scenario that puts us all in peril regarding security of supply. Indeed, the whole of the UK demands at least 30 GW during the winter months. Dave Haskell

Brithdir, Cardigan

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