Carmarthen Journal

Little things in life are having more meaning


RECENTLY, I’ve discovered that the little things in life are having more meaning than they had previously.

On Sunday morning, I was eager to wake up early as I had a pre-arranged time slot at my local rubbish dump.

Despite the rain and wind, I had loaded the van up to the hilt on the day before, keen to be on time ready and willing to partake in the ceremonial dumping of old carpets, cardboard, plastic, glass and wood.

I was on a mission and actually excited. How times have changed!

But hang on, before you start thinking “how sad”, when I arrived at the dump, there was a quite queue of like-minded people in cars and vans full to the brim who had got there before me.

Everyone seemed to be smiling and greeting each other with a cheerful attitude.

It was just like a pre-arranged day trip. People were genuinely pleased to see other humans outside of their bubble!

Anyway, Sunday afternoon I decided to put up some shelves under the stairs, but soon discovered that I was missing some timber and brackets.

I can’t help thinking that, during my excitement at loading the van, they might have made it to the rubbish dump that very same morning.

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