Carmarthen Journal

Llanddarog & District WI


THE June meeting again took place in the village hall, 15 months since the last. Obeying all Covid restrictio­ns and following welcoming members and taking apologies, Marion read the minutes of the last Zoom meeting, which were approved and signed.

The dragon is at present being constructe­d by Marion, with thanks to Wendy for the pattern, and the clues were approved and Sandra will deliver them to County Office.

Unfortunat­ely neither Margaret nor Marion were able to access the resolution­s meeting when ovarian cancer and awareness of the symptoms of this health risk, feeling constantly bloated, a swollen tummy and discomfort, loss of appetite and needing the loo more often, was pursued, due to difficulti­es accessing it with their laptops.

The monthly newsletter was read and a number of items noted.

The Great Big Green Week, a co-operation with the Climate Change Coalition being held September 18 to 26, is a week of community action which will be closely monitored via their website. Debbie put forward an idea which was of interest to members to be used at that time. This is part of Hope for the Future.

The Ageing Well website was also viewed via Twitter and will be monitored.

Sandra was pleased to receive a dividend from Lloyds on our Halifax shares of 66p but obviously she was not jumping for joy!

As so many members had been most creative during these periods of lockdown it was decided the July meeting would give everyone a chance to show their work to fellow members to enjoy and we look forward to this event. Following the sanitising of the areas used the meeting concluded.

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