Carmarthen Journal

Historic memorials must be maintained


AFTER the withdrawal from Afghanista­n of our armed service personnel, together with the US and western nations, I feel it is high time we give a huge thank you to everyone who put their lives on the line whilst protecting fellow innocent human beings.

As an ex-serviceman and active service war veteran and pensioner, I believe the most important involvemen­t for myself and an initiative that I must become involved in – and is the very least that I could do – is request and urge our Carmarthen­shire Council to upgrade, clean and sensibly scribe over the names of those who give their lives in the service of their nation. New neighbours who recently located to West Wales and who now reside within our town may also possibly be unaware that five historic military structures are also located in our ancient Roman town, registered as the oldest town in Wales.

As a close-knit community we should never ever forget too those youngsters who bravely and courageous­ly fought to become 100% fit before enlisting with the Royal Marines, the Royal Welsh and my own regiment, Welsh Guards.

We should also remember too that many lives were lost in numerous locations around the globe – not only during the First and Second World Wars.

It seems quite a lengthy period of time from the time that the five war memorials and military statues are cleaned and upgraded, including the Picton Monument on the brow of Monument Hill/picton Terrace, and that they are done in good time for that very special day on November 11 – Remembranc­e Day – to pay our people’s respects in these difficult of times.

This is the county town of Carmarthen­shire and our historic memorials, statues, etc, should be regularly cleaned and maintained to a very high standard.

Remembranc­e Day will soon be with us and our poppy volunteers will be there.

Hopefully, our people will be just as generous as they always have been with the donations going into to exservicem­an and women who need our support. County councillor Alan Speake Carmarthen

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