Carmarthen Journal

Help out by making a positive review


DO you read reviews? I have been thinking of this for quite some time.

On the rare occasions that I have to purchase something online, I do make sure I read all the reviews. The good, bad and in between.

There is something reassuring and satisfying in a good review. This got me thinking.

With so many local businesses fighting hard to gain market share and spread the word in order to survive the challengin­g times, we can all make a difference by helping out with a positive review.

If someone has provided you with a good service, maybe a quality meal or made you feel valued as a customer - a short well-worded review on social media, Google or Trip Advisor could mean the difference between survival or closure to many of our muchneeded local businesses.

Worth the effort? Absolutely. We should all spread the word if we have been witness to a good deed or service. Let’s lose the constant moaning culture and complain less!

Do something good this week to help our much-needed business community. It might make a huge difference.

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