Chat It's Fate

Heavenly helpers:

We could all use some angelic assistance at times


Three readers were aided by angels

I was gutted to lose my emerald

L ying in the bath, I sighed happily. I’d spent all day cleaning so I was really enjoying a long, relaxing soak. I got out of the tub, dried myself. But when I glanced down at the beautiful emerald and diamond ring on my finger, I gasped in horror. The emerald wasn’t there.

My husband Dan, an antique dealer, had given me the ring in April 2017, just three months before. It was worth over £2,000.

‘What’s he going to say?’ I fretted.

Plea for help

There was only one thing for it. I did what I always did when I needed help – I called on the angels.

‘Please help me find the emerald,’ I begged.

I looked high and low. Four hours of frantic searching later, I'd run out of places to look and there was still no sign of the lost jewel.

‘It must have gone down the plughole when I emptied the bath,’ I sobbed.

I plucked up the courage to ring Dan. Tears streaming down my cheeks, I gulpingly told him what had happened.

‘Don’t worry, it’s done now,’ he said kindly.

But I was still devastated about losing the precious stone.


Although I knew it was a long shot, I decided to trace the steps I’d taken when I’d walked our dogs Becks and Agnes that morning.

As I was putting on my trainers, something made me glance at the washing machine. It was on a wash cycle - and there, stuck inside the window, was my emerald! It must have come out when I’d put the sheets in the machine earlier.

I’d only got a couple of minutes before the water drained from the washer, taking the emerald with it.

In the nick of time I turned the washer off, managed to prise it open and retrieve the jewel.

Now I’ve had the emerald put back in the ring. But if I hadn’t spotted it when I did, it would have drained away with the dirty water.

It was divine interventi­on. I know the angels made me look at the washer just in time to get my emerald back.

I’ve got the world’s best guardian angel!

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Nick of time: Wash cycle
Nick of time: Wash cycle
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Broken ring: Detached
Broken ring: Detached
 ??  ?? Cheryl Parker, 46, from Barnsley, Yorkshire
Cheryl Parker, 46, from Barnsley, Yorkshire

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