Chat It's Fate

Change your luck with magic

These simple rituals will get Lady Luck on your side!


Whether it's a bonus at work, a cash windfall, or just finding the right man, some people seem to be magnets for good fortune. The good news is that you too can become a good luck magnet. The secret is in raising your luck vibration, so that you attract positivity. Here's how!

Get the lucky vibe

Like attracts like, so if you want to increase the amount of luck in your life, you need to think lucky! Raise your luck vibration with these top tips:  Are you a glass half-full or glass half-empty person? If it’s the latter, you need to change it round. Try to see the bright side. Remember, life is full of ups and downs, so when you think you've hit rock bottom, there’s only one way to go - up!  Try something new. Step outside your comfort zone and be open to new experience­s. Take a

different route to work, say hello to someone new, or try a different type of food. By stretching yourself in small ways, you're sending a powerful message to the universe that says: ‘I’m ready for exciting opportunit­ies!’  Believe that you're lucky. Repeat this mantra in front of the mirror every morning: ‘I am blessed with good luck today.’  Picture success. See yourself winning the lottery, kissing your dream man, penning that bestseller, or landing that top job. Imagine how you’d feel, and spend time daydreamin­g, as this will increase your luck vibration and attract positive energy.

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