Chat It's Fate

Psychic pets


In the UK, there are almost as many hauntings attributed to pets as there are people. Notable accounts include the pedigree Persian cat at All Hallows Church in the City of London, where an organist requested her pet cat be buried in the churchyard with her. After her death, the vicar supposedly denied the request and the cat’s ghost is often spotted walking around the church for many years, looking for its owner. Another animal spirit story is that of the ape that reportedly haunts Athelhampt­on Hall in Dorset. When a member of the Martyn family became deeply depressed, the family pet ape sensed her sadness and began to follow her around - right up to the secret room where she ended her life. The ape was trapped and by the time the family located the pair, the ape had died too. However, many visitors have since reported seeing him, so his spirit lives on!

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