Chat It's Fate

Michelle: Let the angels come to you


Angels send us all sorts of different signs of their presence - but how can you be sure that it’s a sign and not just wishful thinking? For me, the proof is in when and how it comes. It’s no good asking for a white feather to float in front of your nose and then deciding that the angels have answered because the cat’s brought in a pigeon! Another way you’ll know when it’s real is because it makes you feel amazing. I remember walking to work one day and asking for a sign that I’d get the promotion I’d just been interviewe­d for. As I turned a corner, I almost walked into a beautiful fluffy white feather, hanging from a branch on a thread of spider silk! It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside - and I even ended up getting the job!

Dear Michelle

My parents have always assumed that I would be a teacher, like them. I’ve gone along with it, but it’s not my dream. I’ve got a friend who lives in Rome – she’s offered me a job there and I’m going to take it. What do I tell my mum and dad? Bella, 22, Manchester

Dear Bella

I’m using the Dream Oracle by Kelly Sullivan Walden and Rassouli for intuition. It’s going to be difficult to let your parents down gently after allowing them to believe that you’d follow them for all these years. However, now that you’re going to confess, it’s better to do it sooner rather than later. If you’re never going to take up teaching, make that very clear to them, too. They’ll naturally worry about you going abroad, so reassure them that you’ll be safe and will keep in touch! Let them help you prepare for the move - this will help them feel involved and enable you all to prepare for the future. You seem to have been drifting along for a while; this is your chance to get into the driver’s seat of your life and really live! Good luck!


Be mindful of the messages you send


Release attachment­s to what was, and prepare for what is to come


Get into the driver’s seat of your life

 ??  ?? Michelle Jones
Michelle Jones

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