Chat It's Fate

A nose for trouble


Dear Cara

Iusually experience at least three colds a year. I find that I feel awful for a week, and most overthe-counter medication doesn’t do a lot! Is there anything I can do to help prevent colds, or help with the symptoms when

I do get them?

Alison, 33, Bury

Dear Alison

One of the best ways we can protect ourselves from colds is by always keeping our hands clean. Did you know that shopping trolley handles carry more germs than a public toilet seat? After shopping and handling money, make it a must to thoroughly wash or sanitise your hands. Use a sanitising wipe to clear germs from ipads, mobile phones, door handle, work surfaces - anywhere that could be a source of germs transferre­d by touch.


Diet-wise, there’s plenty you can do to help prevent colds. Start to nourish your body. Eat sensibly, with lots of fruit, especially citrus, lemons, limes, grapefruit, plus lean proteins and lots of fresh vegetables. Drink plenty of water and limit alcohol consumptio­n as it’s full of empty calories and depletes vitamins B and C, which are both needed to fight colds and flu. Consider supplement­ing your diet with vitamins – a daily dose of vitamin C is a good insurance policy. You could also try a month of using echinacea. Make use of nature’s healing pantry with the addition of turmeric, garlic, ginger, chillies in your diet. Honey is thought to be a good immune booster, so see if you can source a good local variety.

Get to know your own body and listen to when it asks for extra sleep. Keep up a regular exercise routine and try to get out into the fresh air and get the circulatio­n moving. The sunlight will also provide vitamin D and aid with the depression so often experience­d in the dark gloomy months.

Stress lowers the immune system

- so work on those relaxation exercises and practice deep breathing to rid all the stale air (and germs) from the lungs.


Be considerat­e and use a tissue to catch the sneezes. If you can, stay away from work until you’re better – snuggle under the duvet with a hot lemon and honey drink instead! If you experience respirator­y problems or if the symptoms don’t seem to be improving, consult with a GP in case you have developed a chest infection. Get well soon!

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