Chat It's Fate

Tarot and the moon: It’s a magical month



Last year, I had a dream that I had to take my child out of nursery, otherwise some unspecifie­d harm would befall him. It felt hugely urgent, and I woke up with a strong sense of unease. Strangely, I heard on the radio the next day that 10 people, including eight kids, had been shot and killed at a high school in Santa Fe, USA. I can’t help wondering if my dream and this shooting were connected in some way. Jessica Wright, London

Every month, I draw a card for all of the four astrologic­al elements. This month, let’s stay with the financial theme of the New Moon in Taurus.


(Aries, Leo, Sagittariu­s).

Hold your vision. This card suggests that you can create whatever your heart craves on a material basis; a new, better-paid job, a dream holiday, a new car, anything you desire. You just need to hold your vision. See yourself having accomplish­ed it and feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled.


(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Communicat­ion is key. Drawing this card suggests that you need to speak to someone about making your financial dreams come true. Who do you need to talk to about it? Think of someone who inspires you. Or it could be you need to ask for a raise do it when it feels right.


(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Be bold and make the first move. This card suggests that to become more abundant, you may need to make a bold move. To attract more money, be self-starting and assertive. If you’re in the running for a promotion which will earn you more cash, take this card as a good omen.


(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

A win-win outcome is forecast.whatever plans you have for making more money, it looks as though others will benefit as well as yourself. That’s a massive blessing. If you’re breaking up a financial partnershi­p, this card supports you in doing so. Yasmin used Doreen Virtue’s Ascended Masters Oracle Card deck and her own Moonology oracle cards. To be in the running to win a signed Moonology deck, visit moonmessag­

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