Chat It's Fate

Jenny: Slip back into past lives



Ifeel angry that I couldn’t do anything about Auschwitz, even though I wasn’t born. Carole, 50, Hastings, Sussex

Deadly chemical

My name is Kurt. I’m in Poland. My heart is breaking. What hurts the most is that they’re being killed with a chemical designed for fumigation - Zyklon

B - as if they were just pests to be stamped on! I supplied it to their killers even though I didn’t know what it was for. What can I do to stop this? The Nazis will shoot me if I refuse.

Forced to watch

It is 1942 and I watch men, women and children being led into a chamber to have a fumigator tossed in. So many deaths and it’s killing me too. If the British and Americans knew about this, they would surely bomb Auschwitz and all the other killing factories! It would be better we were all dead than for this endless horror to continue.

Hope at last

I’ve been introduced to a resistance fighter. He swears he will take the truth and get it to the British. My God, I hope he does! I want to stop it, but I’m one man, what can I do? By the time the people get here, it’s too late to save them. All I can do is try to keep families together. I know they will still die, but at least at the end, mothers can hold their children, and husbands can hold their wives.

The end

It’s over, thank God, it’s over. The Americans came. I’m asked to testify. I tell them that I’ve seen a million people die. I shake continuous­ly. They keep asking me questions. How many? How often? What exactly are the numbers? I’m put in prison but I can’t live with the nightmares. I decide to end my life instead.

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