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Spirit babies are said to be the spirits of our future babies. The term was coined by Walter Makichen, author of Spirit Babies: How To Communicat­e With The Child You’re Meant To Have.

Makichen says that, when he was a young adult, he was visited by an entity who told him that he would never have children of his own, but that his work would involve communicat­ing with the spirits of children before they are born. By communicat­ing with spirits, and meditating, Makichen discovered that these spirit babies exist in a ‘holding place’ while they wait for their parents, or wait to be born.

According to Makichen, spirit babies attach themselves by a cord to one or more of the chakras of their future parent. When Makichen does readings for people, he reads their aura and believes he can see if there are spirit babies there. The process of aura attachment allows the spirit babies to get to know their future parents, and the world in which they will be born into. In most cases, if someone is destined to become a parent, there will be a spirit baby in their aura, Makichen says.

The decision to have a child is a huge one, and Makichen says that often a spirit baby needs a parent to make a conscious choice to have a child before the spirit can incarnate. For example, one parent that Makichen worked with was worried about the effect becoming a parent would have on her career. After Makichen helped her to communicat­e with her spirit baby, she relaxed and

became pregnant easily.

In another case, a client felt pressure from family members to become pregnant.

Makichen could not see a spirit baby in her aura, and the woman realised she didn’t want a child – which came as a big relief to her.

Spirit babies sometimes make an appearance in dreams and visions. Many parents have correctly dreamt the sex of their future child, seen what they will look like, or even have their child tell them their name.

Spirit babies often show themselves to provide comfort to parents, and help reassure them with any worries they may have about becoming a parent - or indeed, any other issue.

Makichen also believes that some of the spirits of miscarried or aborted babies may return to their parents to be reborn.

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