Chat It's Fate


23 NOV - 22 DEC


Your love life

For the first fortnight of May, your love life is in overdrive. A heady mix of romance and spirited debate with your other half makes this a feisty period. Expect great banter – and better sex! Singles can be upfront with the objects of their desires. The 5th is a date to mark in your diary. There’s a serious relationsh­ip focus this month from the 21st. Couples will be having meaningful discussion­s and singles should consider opening their lives to commitment.

Life and laughs

If you can, get out and paint the town red in the first few weeks. Express your wild side with flamenco lessons, or whatever takes your fancy. After mid-month, you feel a little more retiring. This isn’t a problem as you wish to spend some quality time with loved ones. It’s a good time to talk through plans for the future. The 30th brings some happy news about house and home.


You just want to get cracking! Starting new jobs or work-related projects is well-starred now, thanks to the New Moon on the 4th. Find success by tidying, auditing and keeping everything ordered and just so. Your efficiency will win you brownie points with bosses.


You’re loving the feisty nature of your romance and all the banter! There are exciting new beginnings now in your working life.

It’s a good time for stabilisin­g home plans and financial matters.


The Full Moon is in your House of the Hidden on the 18th. It’s time to withdraw and reflect on what you really want. Pamper yourself and answers will come to you.


Bricks and mortar could bring the change you need.

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