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Being healthy is not about being thin! It’s about how you take care of your physical body and what you put into it. It’s important that you ditch faddy diets and create a mindful, long term eating plan and exercise routine that you can stick to. You will reap the benefits. Here are five simple changes you can make to boost your health:

1. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: An all-round health booster which has been used for centuries, apple cider vinegar promotes youthful skin and a vibrant body, helps control and normalise weight, aids digestion, fights bacteria, detoxes the body, and fights arthritis and diabetes. Take two tablespoon­s each morning.

2. WEIGH YOURSELF ONCE A WEEK: If you’re a regular dieter, you probably weigh yourself daily, but try to do this once a week instead. It’s true that one of the fastest things that can age you, and trigger lethargy, is extra weight, but it’s important to be balanced about your approach to weight loss. If you’re prone to snacking, try to be mindful about your food choices by asking yourself before you put something in your mouth: ‘Is this good for me?’ It might encourage you to swap your chocolate bar for an apple!

3. EAT GREEK YOGURT: Eating yogurt helps strengthen your immune system and reduces weight. The minerals and vitamins found in yogurt include potassium, zinc, vitamin B5 and vitamin B12.

4. CHUNK DOWN EXERCISE: You don’t need to go for the burn and push yourself so hard that you put yourself off exercising! Walking for just 15 minutes a day will still keep you in shape. Download free fitness apps (or go on Youtube) and incorporat­e a series of sits-up and push-ups into your exercise routine – aim for three to five short sessions a week and don’t forget to stretch.

5. OMEGA 3: Good for boosting energy and mood, which contribute­s to your overall well-being, add Omega 3 to your diet with oily fish, walnuts, flaxseeds and soybeans.

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