Chat It's Fate

Jackie: She talks to the animals

Top animal communicat­or Jackie Weaver tunes into your beloved pets – living or in spirit.


Dear Jackie

Our darling little boy Oban was like a child to us. Is he OK and happy in spirit and does he know just how much we miss him? Nadine, South Shields

Dear Nadine

Oban says that he really was the sunshine in your life. He was so clever and was likea little boy in a dog’s body.

He used to follow you everywhere and this seems to include your bathroom too!

He talksabout going on many journeys and as if holidays were actually purposeful­ly booked just for him. Heobviousl­y loved his life.

He makes me feel that he had been ill but then bounced back. He had various problems but was so resilient and shows me him swimming. He loved that. There seems to be an element of shock when he passed over.

Oban says he is fine in Heaven and shows me a man with obvious working boots on. Ialso get a name like Jeannie or Jenny, and he shows me an ankle?

He talksabout his memory corner and shows me stars too.

He thanks you, in his own words, ‘for the love you poured into me,’ and all the fun and wonderful years you had together. He is proud that he has shown you that animals live on in spirit, and that spirit is real.

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