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My rescue dog died in my arms then sent me a message in a crystal

My rescue dog Minnie sent me a message – in a crystal


I’m mad aeout dogs, particular­ly rescues. My first rescue was a white &hihuahua, called Minnie, who had lived on a puppy farm in stualor for five years. 7he day , picked Minnie up from the rescue, in 2010, was the first day of her Eeing a loved dog.

:hen she came to me, Minnie’s little legs, feet and tummy were yellow from lying in her own urine, and she was terrified of people. She lived in a dog Eed, in my kitchen next to the radiator, under a duvet for the first six months.

)ast forward a few years and Minnie had found her personalit­y. She would sit on the couch with me in µminnie’s corner’ and would smile when she was happy.

Sadly, though, Minnie was diagnosed with a huge tumour in her throat in 201 . ,t was heart Ereaking news Eecause the cancer was inoperaele.

Minnie passed away in my arms feeling safe and loved.

7he vets sent me a lovely tiny print of Minnie’s paw, which , still keep safe and cherish.

, had seven glorious years with Minnie and she died a week after her 12th Eirthday. 7o love her all those years was a Elessing, Eut her loss left a huge hole in my life.

Crystal distractio­n

$ few days after Minnie passed, , saw a )aceeook advert saying µ&rystal 9an in your area’.

, wasn’t on my spiritual Mourney then, and , have no idea why , thought it was a good idea to investigat­e, Eut , felt compelled to check out the µ&rystal 9an’.

7he van was due to visit my street exactly seven days after Minnie’s passing. , Eooked a slot, although , nearly didn’t go Eecause , was still moping around.

,n the van, , picked up a few crystals. 7hen , spoke to the lady who owned the moeile shop and told her all aeout my sweet Minnie.

She gave me a sympatheti­c smile.

µ,f you run your hands over the crystals, you’ll feel drawn to the one you need,’ she said.

, felt a Eit silly hovering my hands in the air, Eut , did it anyway.

, passed my hands over various Eoxes of crystals, then , felt a tingling sensation aeove a drawer of laeradorit­e.

,t didn’t take me long to pinpoint the source of the tingling. ,t wasn’t the Eiggest or Erightest crystal in the drawer, Eut , felt compelled to pick it up.

7urning over the stone, , knew why it had spoken to me. 7here was a small Elack

paw print in the beautiful flashes of the crystal, just like Minnie’s.


It was my rescue dog’s message to me. Obviously, I bought the crystal

Later, I discovered the flashy ‘lights’ in labradorit­e are called ‘labradores­ence’. The crystal’s origins in the northern hemisphere mean that labradorit­e is linked to the magic of the night skies. Inuit legend says that one of the greatest natural shows on earth, the Aurora Borealis, The Northern Lights, are trapped inside these crystals.

It’s also said that simply looking at labradorit­e gemstones imprints their magical powers on your mind.

It’s truly hard to resist the transfixin­g nature of this beautiful stone, I’ve looked at my special crystal with the paw print many times.

So relaxed

I like to sit in ‘Minnie’s Corner’, where she used to perch on the sofa, and hold my crystal. It doesn’t take me long to feel really relaxed, and I’ve often felt Minnie’s beautiful, soft presence next to me.

I see my little Chihuahua from time to time at home too around my feet. And I’ve smelt her cute little doggy smell when I’ve been for reiki healing.

My second rescue, another Chihuahua called Orla, came into my life in 2017.

Orla, then 16 months, was rehomed from a family who couldn’t give her the time that she needed.

To help her settle, I placed an amethyst next to Orla’s bed and it seemed to work.

These days, Orla loves to wear an amethyst pendant, which helps to keep her feeling calm and relaxed ± Chihuahua’s can have high, barky energy

Orla loves chilling in the garden surrounded by lots of my crystals. Aside from amethyst, her favourite stones are clear quartz, rose quartz and rainbow fluorite.

I know when Orla likes particular crystals because when I place them near her she closes her eyes and goes very still. It almost seems like she’s doing doggie meditation.

My partner Richard Winter, 37, is interested in crystals so he doesn’t think I’m bonkers putting an amethyst on Orla.

In fact, I’ve even caught him napping with Orla whilst she’s chilling with her stones

On a personal level, I pop amethyst and howlite under my pillow to help me sleep, and I add rose quartz to my bath for an injection of self-love.

I put shungite on my desk too when I’m working, it helps to eradicate harmful EMFS.

In August 2018, I set up Cosmic Club, which offers the best ethically sourced crystals from around the globe. My Facebook group is full of supportive, like-minded people who share magic, spiritual experience­s and all things mystical on my page.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Minnie.

I healed you, but you healed me too, girl and led me into my new cosmic life.

For more informatio­n about Cosmic Club and to buy crystals, visit

I’ve often felt Minnie’s presence next to me

 ??  ?? Minnie’s sad past: Puppy farm
Minnie’s sad past: Puppy farm
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Healing Orla: Relaxed dog
Healing Orla: Relaxed dog
 ??  ?? The three of us: Having fun together
The three of us: Having fun together
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Crystal power: Rocking the look!

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