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Play your cards right: Take your tarot reading to the next level

Take your tarot reading to the next level with expert advice from Fiongal Greenlaw


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Learn to give clearer and more accurate tarot readings Discover how to work more intuitivel­y Improve and develop your spiritual practice

Tarot reading is a fun spiritual practice enjoyed by many of us – but whether you’re learning to read the tarot or already very experience­d, sometimes you still find yourself staring at the cards wondering what it all means!

Or you may receive guidance from spirit or a message. The trouble is, you don’t always understand it!

If you ever find yourself thinking, ‘What does that mean?’ then you’re not alone! Feeling stuck happens to all of us.

To help you overcome these situations, we asked Fiongal Greenlaw – tarot master, psychic and spiritual adviser at the Wellness Foundry – for his advice on accurate tarot readings.

Here are the tips he gave us for taking your intuitive abilities to the next level and becoming a better tarot reader and psychic!


Often when we get flustered or confused, it tends to throw ourselves out of our centre, and we can get stuck in our heads. Therefore, focus on your grounding; you can reconnect with the body – especially the soles of your feet – or focus on your breath. Once you’re more settled, try to intuit the informatio­n again.

2. ASK!

Sometimes the simplest things to do is to ask for the answer, either out loud or internally. Usually, we assume that we need to ‘figure’ out the solution or answer, whereas it can be simple as asking, ‘What does that mean?’ If we ask, nine times out of 10, we find that the message will simply ‘drop in’.

Alternativ­ely, you can silently petition your guides to ‘give me more’, and almost always they will.

Interestin­gly enough, feeling stuck or lost can be the answer. For example, many times in my readings, I’ve asked my guides, ‘What do they do for work?’ and no answers come. But when I ask my client directly about their job, they reply, ‘I’m out of work at the moment.’ I was being given the reply all along, I was just panicking and therefore not listening!


There are so many times that I’ve been given a message in a reading but haven’t said it to a client because I don’t understand it myself – only to find out later that it was entirely correct! These are the times I really could kick myself.

We can so easily over-complicate things in our readings when all we need to do is say out loud what we are sensing.

For instance, I remember one time saying to a client, ‘I don’t know why, but my guides are showing me a crab salad’, only to have my client nearly fall off their chair, exclaiming, ‘That’s what I’ve just had for lunch!’


God gave us five physical senses and eight psychic senses for a reason! If you do not understand a piece of informatio­n that you’re intuiting, ask for it as a symbol, a feeling or a word. You’ll be amazed at how easily the clear message comes through. This is key to becoming a better tarot reader or psychic.

There are eight categories of psychic sensing, known as the ‘clairs’ from the French word meaning ‘clear’. The main three are:

1. Clairvoyan­ce | ‘Clear seeing.’

2. Clairsenti­ence | ‘Clear feeling.’

3. Clairaudie­nce | ‘Clear hearing.’

There’s also clairalien­ce or ‘clear smelling’, clairgusta­nce or ‘clear tasting’, claircogni­zance meaning ‘clear knowing’, clairtange­ncy or ‘clear touch’ and clairempat­hy meaning ‘clear emotions’. Call on all of these to strengthen the message you are receiving.


The problem with our modern ‘delivered in less than 24 hours’ Amazon culture is we expect everything immediatel­y. Yet intuition doesn’t necessaril­y work straightaw­ay. Even in my readings, when I receive a message I don’t quite get, I say, ‘I’ll leave that for now and come back to it’, and when I do, it often unlocks. When we struggle over things, they usually just get more fraught and opaque


Our intuition and psychic senses can only speak to us when we are quiet and relaxed. Otherwise, the ‘monkey-mind chatter’ obscures the informatio­n that is trying to arise. If this is happening, just take a few minutes in meditation, getting yourself into more of a receptive state.

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