Chat It's Fate



Pretty as a picture, this sugary-sweet punch is light and summery. It’s also packed with wish-making ingredient­s. The raspberrie­s will draw positive energy and new adventures, and the creamy ice cream will help you create the perfect future. Think of what you most want, and imagine you’ve already got it as you enjoy this drink.

YOU’LL NEED: A can of soda, a can of lemonade, pineapple juice, a handful of fresh raspberrie­s, raspberry ripple ice cream.

WHAT TO DO: This potion is best served from a large bowl. Take several scoops of ice cream and freeze them beforehand on a baking tray, then take out just before serving your punch. In the bowl, mix together both cans of drink. Add in a handful of fresh raspberrie­s and fill two thirds of the bowl with pineapple juice. Finally, add the frozen scoops of ice cream and a handful of ice.

ALCOHOLIC EXTRA? A good splash of Chambord or Creme de Cassis will pump up this punch!

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