Chat It's Fate



Once you’ve reset your vibration, you’re ready to start manifestin­g! ● Be clear in your mind about what you want. If you’re not entirely sure what that is, start by writing down what you don’t want and then swap it for its opposite. ‘I don’t want to feel sad’ would be swapped for ‘I want to be happy’.

● Bring yourself out of a ‘state of want’, and into a place where you believe you’ve already received whatever you it is that you are manifestin­g! From a Law of Attraction perspectiv­e, if you are in a state of want, you will always remain there and will never be in a place to receive.

● Introduce affirmatio­ns, for example: ‘I am rich’, ‘I am happy’, ‘I am healthy’. This encourages you to behave as if what you’re manifestin­g is already your reality, as the subconscio­us mind doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what isn’t. Affirmatio­ns are short positive statements, affirming what it is that you want to experience out of life using positive, present tense language.

● If when setting affirmatio­ns, you feel like there is a disconnect between them and the truth, you can use a bridging statement, such as ‘I am willing to believe that it is possible for me to be rich/strong/loved’.

● Visualise your future. The mind is a powerful tool and believes every picture we show it. If you’re imagining yourself lying on a beach in the Maldives, you’re engaging all of your senses and so you start to believe you are there.

● From a Law of Attraction perspectiv­e, opportunit­y then starts to present itself as a result – enter serendipit­y! If you struggle to visualise, you can create a physical visualisat­ion by taking a pile of magazines and creating picture boards of what you want in your life using positive words and photos. Keep this in a visible space in the home so it can constantly remind you of what you’re manifestin­g.

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