
The movie take...


The 2013 Hollywood movie Devil’s Knot is based on a 2002 truecrime book of the same name, and closely follows the case facts. Colin Firth plays private investigat­or Ron Lax, who’s convinced the trio are innocent. Reese Witherspoo­n plays Stevie Branch’s grieving mother Pamela Hobbs, who’s alarmed by a lack of solid evidence during the trial. The film ends in 1994, after the West Memphis Three’s conviction­s and sentencing, dealing with later developmen­ts and their release in post-movie text. In the closing scene, in a startling twist, Pam Hobbs tells Lax she’s found Stevie’s penknife hidden in her husband’s things – she claims Stevie would almost certainly have been carrying it on 5 May 1993. After handing the knife to Lax, she’s seen packing Stevie’s toys and driving away. But, in real-life, Pam sent the knife to defence lawyers in 2002 when the couple separated. Terry Hobbs denies any involvemen­t. Pam has since stated publicly she believes the West Memphis Three are innocent.

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