
Glam Gran: Lost 6st

I was determined to change for my family – and myself

- By Gillian Blackett, 53, from Sunderland

When my daughter Charlotte, 28, announced she was pregnant with her second child, I threw my arms around her. ‘Congratula­tions!’ I beamed. But, shortly after, my worries kicked in.

While Charlotte went to work as a nurse, I often looked after my granddaugh­ter Lucy, 2.

As much as I loved spending time with her, running around after a toddler wasn’t easy.

And after playing with Lucy on the floor, I’d have a nightmare trying to lift myself back up. It was all down to my size. When I was made redundant from the HMRC in July 2014, I’d been a size-18 and 13st.

No skinny minnie, but I was active and fit.

Since I’d been out of work, the weight had piled on. I comfort- ate. Chocolate was my downfall.

My clothes were tighter, as I’d ballooned to a size-22.

After Charlotte gave birth to Annie in January last year, I decided enough was enough. ‘I can’t go on like this,’ I said. ‘You’re beautiful the way you are,’ smiled my husband Les, 53.

He was supportive, but I knew he’d heard this all before.

Over the years, I’d tried dieting a few times. I’d lose a few pounds, but always managed to put them back on.

This time would be different.

In March last year, I went to my first meeting at the local Weight Watchers.

I was so nervous, but I was determined to lose at least 6st.

The coach weighed me at just over 15st, big for my 5ft frame.

‘There’s no way I can do this,’ I said, worried.

‘Just focus on half a stone at a time,’ soothed my coach Sue.

Determined, I traded in my

The weight had piled on. Chocolate was my downfall

chocolate binges for healthy, regular meals.

Instead of skipping breakfast and excessivel­y snacking later, I filled myself up with yogurt, porridge oats and fruit.

I loved it so much, I didn’t even miss my chocolate!

If I wanted something sweet, I’d snack on some mango. After a week, I’d lost 5½lb. ‘Well done!’ said my coach. Suddenly, slimming down didn’t seem so impossible, as long as I set small, reachable goals every week.

After just a couple of months, I found that I was no longer feeling pain in my hips and feet.

‘It’s because I’m not carrying as much weight around!’ I said to Les.

I’d never felt so good!

I even signed up to the gym, as I was no longer embarrasse­d, and now I love it. Within three months, people began to notice. ‘You look so young and healthy!’ friends told me. And 14 months after I joined Weight Watchers, I clocked in at 8st 13lb, a slinky size-6/8. Now, getting up from the ground is no trouble at all, and running after Lucy, now 4, and Annie, 1, is a piece of cake! I feel like I can finally be the grandmothe­r I wanted to be.

My dramatic loss has done wonders for my self-esteem, too.

In January this year, I began a new job as a coach for Weight Watchers.

‘I’m so proud of you,’ Les says.

It’s great to know that, even after 35 years of marriage, I can still astonish my hubby.

I’m so grateful to him, as well as Charlotte and my other daughter Jessica. I couldn’t have done it without their support.

I might be a granny, but I’m a glamorous one and proud!

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