
Ask our Doc

Don’t be shy – Chat’s Dr Martin Edwards is a family Gp who’s seen it all before…


Wrist pain

Q My wrist and thumb hurt after gardening and my doctor says it’s washerwoma­n’s thumb. What’s that!? April, 43 A It’s an old name for inflammati­on of the sinew leading from the back of your thumb to your forearm muscle. It’s caused by constant use – so washerwome­n got it.

Symptoms should calm within a few months and a splint or steroid injection, or rarely an op, can help.

Clicky joints

Q My joints click when I move and friends say I’ll develop arthritis. Can anything stop it? Jayette, 23 A Unless they’re painful or swollen, clicking joints generally don’t mean much or increase a risk of arthritis.

Usually they’re caused by tendons sliding across the surface of the joint. They’ll probably lessen with age, meanwhile exercise to keep you fit and supple might help!


Q I was given drops for an ear infection I picked up swimming.

I’m about to go on holiday – is it safe to fly? Trish, 37 A It should be. Flying affects pressure in your middle ear behind your eardrum, so it can be painful if your middle ear is blocked or infected.

An infection from swimming is likely to affect the skin in your outer ear that leads to your eardrum, meaning that flying won’t hurt!

‘Erm,it’s a bit... personal’ Arousal aroma

Q I’m sure men know if I’m turned on. I think I give off a scent. It’s very embarrassi­ng.

Can I control it? Mimi, 22 A Some researcher­s claim women can smell the difference between the sweat of aroused and unaroused men, but it’s far from certain and hasn’t worked in experiment­s in which men check women.

More likely it’s just body language giving you away!

Spotty nipples

Q There are tiny black dots on the ends of my nipples. Are they normal? Beccy, 36 A Any change should be checked, but if you’ve had the dots for some time, they could be blackheads – blocked oil-making glands.

If breastfeed­ing, then blocked milk ducts are a possibilit­y. Try a blackhead remedy, but tell the chemist where you’re going to use it – it’s a sensitive area.

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Dr Martin Edwards

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