
Your stars!

12-18 October 2017 This week you get a chance to do something you haven’t done for so long that you wonder whether you’ve forgotten how. You needn’t have worried - it turns out to be easier than you thought, the old skills are still there, and it’s all g


Aries 21 March - 20 April

Some problems come in three stages. The first is where you see it but ignore it, the next is where it causes trouble, and the third is when it costs you money to fix it. This week is the first stage. So take note! Call 0905 817 0690* for more Taurus 21 April - 21 May Your personal life is strained. Maybe because you want to move the relationsh­ip forward, and you’re making plans for the future. Your partner, though, would rather keep things just as they are. Slow down a little. Call 0905 817 0691* for more

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

You’ve someone new to work with. You’re very different in character, but see things the same and work well together. So well in fact, you may find your relationsh­ip continues after you’ve left the office... Call 0905 817 0692* for more

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

Be careful what you wish for, as the saying goes, in case you get it. Or get more of it than you know what to do with! Not that you’re ungrateful, of course, but it’s going to take a little bit of getting used to. Call 0905 817 0693* for more

Leo 24 July - 23 Aug

A loose arrangemen­t that has worked for a long time can no longer continue as it is. Shame. If you want to keep it and make it permanent, you’ll need some sort of legal procedure – if not, then you’ll have to let it go… Call 0905 817 0694* for more

Virgo 24 Aug - 23 Sep

You’ve not said or done a thing about a situation that’s been annoying you, because you didn’t want to upset anyone. You hoped it’d somehow sort itself out – but you’ve run out of patience. It’s time for action! Call 0905 817 0695* for more

Libra 24 Sep - 23 Oct

Is it time to tell everyone your good news, or should you keep it to yourself for a bit longer? It’s all about choosing the right moment, and this is the perfect time. Be open, be happy – and everyone else will smile, too. Call 0905 817 0696* for more

Scorpio 24 Oct - 22 Nov

Unexpected new rules and routines at work will make you very angry. If you defend your space, you’ll have a hard time – but, if you go with the flow and allow yourself to change, life should be much easier. Call 0905 817 0697* for more

Sagittariu­s 23 Nov - 21 Dec

The answer you’re looking for is behind you. In the past, that is… Something you did before will work again and probably in the future, too. It my feel strange going backwards to go forwards but, if it works, fine! Call 0905 817 0698* for more

Capricorn 22 Dec - 20 Jan

A new contract at work may seem like an offer that’s too good to refuse. But you should say no, as it’ll tie you down at the very moment you need to be free to move. Better things are coming – and very soon! Call 0905 817 0699* for more

Aquarius 21 Jan - 19 Feb

When talk turns to a subject you feel strongly about, you can’t resist giving your honest opinion. After, you wish you’d kept quiet. Don’t worry – you made a memorable impression and that can only be good! Call 0905 817 0700* for more

Pisces 20 Feb - 20 March

Should you go somewhere you’ve been before? Or let the other person choose? No, go somewhere new. If it goes well, it’ll be your fave new place. If it goes wrong, then you’ll laugh about it. Either way, you win. Call 0905 817 0701* for more

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