
Sister bedded my mister

She slept with him just months after I gave birth

- By Amy Brice, 22, from Farnham

Me and my sister Cody, then 15, were in fits of girlish giggles.

‘I fancy the pants off him,’ I told her, blushing.

I was 16 and had just started dating Matt Ball, 23.

He was fun, confident, a laugh…

Things moved quickly between us and I moved in with him at his mum’s place.

Around that time, I started having problems with my contracept­ive implant. So I had it removed. But Matt and I forgot to use other contracept­ion and I fell pregnant.

We’d only been together a few months and I worried how he’d react. I needn’t have… ‘I’ll look after you,’ Matt, a plumber, promised. ‘I’ll work extra shifts so we can get our own place.’

He was determined to be a good dad.

And, true to his word, we soon moved into a flat together.

‘I’m pleased for you,’ Cody said.

We hadn’t had the best childhood, had never really had a strong family unit.

Cody knew how much it meant to me to have a family of my own.

When Lilly arrived in April 2012, Matt and I doted on her.

We worked like a dream team, feeding her and taking it in turns to change nappies.

But just a few months after she was born, Matt and I started arguing.

I put it down to exhaustion, adapting to life as new parents.

He started acting strangely, though, making excuses to go out. It bugged me.

Why wouldn’t he want to be at home with me and his new daughter?

One night, Matt and I had a huge tiff and he shut himself in the bedroom.

Then suddenly my phone beeped.

It was a text from Cody.

Leave Matt alone! You don’t deserve him! it read.

How did Cody even know Matt and I had rowed?

More importantl­y, why was she sticking up for him over me?

Where was her loyalty?

You should be on my side!

I texted her back, annoyed. But what I found out next knocked me for six....

Cody phoned me and told me she’d been sleeping with Matt behind my back.

‘He doesn’t love you,’ she spat.

I thought I was going to throw up.

Surely this was just some sick, ridiculous joke.

Cody claimed she’d bedded Matt and had no regrets.

‘He can do so much

Surely this was just some sick, ridiculous joke

better than you,’ she said.

Cody’s words felt like a dagger through my heart.

If what she was saying was true, she’d betrayed me in the worst way possible. I confronted Matt right away. ‘It’s all lies,’ he raged. ‘She’s making it up.’ I didn’t know who to believe. Matt did his best to convince me Cody was just causing trouble. But I couldn’t understand where her viciousnes­s had come from. My head was a mess. Then, weeks later, Matt suddenly confessed everything.

‘It did happen,’ he said guiltily. ‘I’m so sorry.’

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The thought of him and my sister in the sack made me physically sick.

How could they do this to me?

Lilly was just 3 months old. I didn’t want our little family to be destroyed.

So, for Lilly’s sake, I decided to try and make it work with Matt.

I stopped speaking to Cody. It broke my heart that our relationsh­ip was in tatters.

I’d done so much for her, looked after her, been the protective older sister...

And she’d repaid me by bonking my bloke!

Over the next year, I felt my trust in Matt dwindling, too.

No matter how I tried, I just couldn’t forget what he’d done.

Once a cheat, always a cheat,

I thought. ‘It’s over,’ I told him. He moved out and I was glad. Then, in 2013, I heard Cody had given birth to a little boy.

Matt swore blind the child wasn’t his.

Over the last few years, I’ve tried to repair my relationsh­ip with Cody. I was prepared to try and forgive her for the sake of being sisters again.

Things between us just weren’t the same, though. The wounds were too deep. Now we don’t speak at all. And she started telling people a web of lies.

That she only slept with Matt because she thought I’d bedded her ex-boyfriend.

Utter nonsense!

Just before Lilly was born, she’d been dating a bloke. We got along as mates, but nothing happened between us.

I’d never stoop so low as to betray my own sister.

Not like Cody, who claimed she slept with Matt in revenge.

I’ll never get over what they did. Cody and I used to be best mates and shared everything.

I just never expected her to help herself to my man.

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