
Bit on the side Chicken tikka masala


his wife, his memories of our life together were fading all the time.

He had no short-term memory either, struggled to remember day-to-day events. Then, one evening in January 2018, Mick came downstairs after going to bed. He seemed anxious. ‘What is it, darlin’?’ I asked. ‘Will you marry me?’ he asked, taking my hands. I paused, stunned. Then… ‘Of course I will!’ I said. I couldn’t believe it. ‘When?’ he asked. ‘Next weekend?’ I replied. I think he’d worried he’d forget I was his wife, and was desperate to hold on to the memory for as long as he could.

The next morning, I didn’t think that he’d remember proposing to me.

‘Do you remember what you asked me yesterday?’ I asked. ‘Yes, to marry me,’ he smiled. Stunned, I knew I had to make it happen.

If it had stuck, it must be important to Mick.

And, if our first wedding had been quick, this one had to be even quicker.

So I shared our story online, and kind locals offered to help out.

Within days, I’d organised our second wedding.

A local named Gareth offered to marry us, and I supplied beer, bubbles and pizza for 15 guests.

I chose nearby Hamilton Lake for the ceremony – outdoors, in the sunshine. Perfect. And, on 20 January 2018, I was thrilled when Mick woke up happy and smiling. ‘Today’s the day,’ he cried. He’d remembered! I wore a colourful dress, and Mick looked so handsome in his patterned shirt and slacks.

He couldn’t say his vows so Gareth said them for him, and his good friend Fraser stood by his side, helped him put the wedding ring on my finger.

The highlight of the day was when the Scottish anthem Flower of Scotland played.

Mick’s face lit up at the memories.

He got all the guests up on their feet dancing.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, and we danced together. So special.

A couple of days later, I showed Mick the video of us dancing. ‘Do you remember?’ I asked. ‘Oh! That’s me!’ he said, and we danced around the living room again.

Sadly, his memories of the day are already fading, but I’ll cherish them for both of us, forever.

For that week, my husband came back to me.

I never thought I could be happier than the first time I married Mick.

But that day, I truly was.

When Flower of Scotland

played, his face lit up

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