
All found d guilty ilt

Kingsley Wallis Karen Wallis Dominic Wallis Elizabeth Ellis


Instead of calling for help, they returned to the scene...

Dominic Wallis, 28, and Elizabeth (Libby) Ellis, 20, denied murder.

And Kingsley and Karen Wallis, both 55, pleaded not guilty to perverting the course of justice.

Dionne’s dad Gary sat through the trial every day. On day three, I took the stand. I told the jury about my girl and her struggles.

At the trial, I was sickened to learn the horrific details about how Libby had taken Dionne to visit Dominic, who suffered from paranoid schizophre­nia.

They’d all been drinking, taking drugs.

At some point, a row broke out, and my beautiful daughter was savagely beaten.

The pair sprayed ammonia in her eyes.

One of the police officers who found Dionne said she looked like ‘someone who had been in a boxing ring’.

She’d suffered 69 injuries to her head, face and brain. I felt physically sick. After the brutal attack, Libby and Dominic used tape and a TV aerial to gag and tie up injured Dionne.

They left her for hours, before realising she’d died.

Panicking, the pair then fled to Dominic’s parents, telling Karen and Kingsley Wallis that Dionne was dead.

Instead of calling for help, all four returned to the scene.

They cut the tape off Dionne and reposition­ed her body under a blanket to look like she was sleeping. Dominic had to cut her coat off because rigor mortis had set in.


Even in death, the monster couldn’t give my daughter any respect. When first questioned, they’d claimed Dionne had fought with another woman. Now Dominic and Libby blamed each other. Wallis claimed he’d ‘never laid a finger’ on Dionne. He said Libby had ‘flown’ at Dionne, beaten her before ordering him to tie her up. Meanwhile, Libby had the nerve to call Dionne her ‘best friend’, claimed Dominic had led the fatal assault. The jury didn’t buy their lies. They were both unanimousl­y found guilty of murder. I broke down as the pair were jailed for life, with a minimum of 14 years for Elizabeth Ellis and 18 for Dominic Wallis. Still, it was a hollow victory. Those two deserve to rot in hell. Kingsley and Karen Wallis were found guilty of perverting the course of justice and sentenced to 18 months and 15 months respective­ly. We still don’t know why Libby and Dominic turned on Dionne. Now we’re trying our best to remember her smile and zest for life. Not the way she died at the hands of her so-called best friend.

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