
Your stars!

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Aries 21 March - 20 April

A mate is encouragin­g you to do something you’ve already said no to. Maybe with two of you, it would work out better. Or maybe not. One thing is certain, though – if you say no again, that’s that. Call 0905 817 0690* for more

Taurus 21 April - 21 May

Little things have a habit of leading to bigger ones. What seems like fun now could have huge consequenc­es – legal, personal, and more. If you’re still up for it, then fine. But be aware of where it’s taking you. Call 0905 817 0691* for more

Gemini 22 May - 21 June

You usually try to keep two options open at once, so if one goes wrong, you’ve got the other to fall back on. This week you can’t do that. You have to make a choice, and stick by it. Choose carefully, therefore. Call 0905 817 0692* for more

Cancer 22 June - 23 July

The most romantic week of the year for you, with breathless passions and a soundtrack straight out of the movies. There’s a bit at the end which will bring you back to reality, but otherwise, it’s all good. Call 0905 817 0693* for more

Leo 24 July - 23 Aug

Just because you argued in the past, it doesn’t mean you have to spend the rest of your lives not talking to each other. There is a real opportunit­y now, if you’re prepared to find a way to agree. Give it a go. Call 0905 817 0694* for more

Virgo 24 Aug - 23 Sep

You take a step up at work with a promotion or bonus of some kind. Not everybody will be as thrilled as you are, but you can’t please everybody, and they’ll get used to it in time. You’ve earned your reward. Call 0905 817 0695* for more

Libra 24 Sep - 23 Oct

A job with a high salary may look tempting, but are you ready to leave behind all the people and places you love just for the payslip? When you do the emotional maths, the answer is far less clear. Call 0905 817 0696* for more

Scorpio 24 Oct - 22 Nov

Some things are just meant to be, aren’t they? You try to avoid them, think you’ve managed it, turn around, and there they are again. Accept the situation as it is. It’s much less scary than you thought. Call 0905 817 0697* for more

Sagittariu­s 23 Nov - 21 Dec

Money put aside for a rainy day tends to stay in the bank. No day is ever rainy enough! So take the word ‘rainy’ out of it. Think of it as money to be used for important things that will make your life better now. Call 0905 817 0698* for more

Capricorn 22 Dec - 20 Jan

Someone makes a comment that goes straight to your heart. It hurts – but only because it’s so right. Why would anyone say such a thing? Because they know you very well, and because they care for you. Call 0905 817 0699* for more

Aquarius 21 Jan - 19 Feb

Two nudges from the planets this week. The first is gentle and you’ll probably ignore it. You know what it refers to, and you’ll get round to it in time. The second is harder. Do as you’re told, it says, and soon. Call 0905 817 0700* for more

Pisces 20 Feb - 20 March

There are things we all do because they’re expected of us, and things we do because we like them. Finding something that ticks both boxes is rare, but this week you seem to manage it. Call 0905 817 0701* for more

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