
Me and MY BIG wins!

I can’t believe that I’ve won again!

- By Jennifer Knight, 71, from Northumber­land

Do you remember me? I was in the magazine last year after I’d scooped my second big win playing Sapphire Bingo.

I’d bagged myself £1,000.

And that was just a year after I’d had my biggest windfall of £1,250 back in April 2016.

And now I’m back again!

I first joined Chat Mag Bingo in September 2013, and I’ve loved every minute of it.

My favourite games are Sapphire Bingo and the Tiki slot games. Plus there’s such a welcoming community. I really enjoy chatting away with all the other members.

Even my daughter Glynnis, 47, has now signed up to the site.

I used to go to the bingo halls after a shift at the bakery where I worked, but now that I’m retired, I prefer to play from the comfort of my home.

Glynnis and just I love our nights in, snuggled up on the sofa in front of the TV, with our tablets in hand playing bingo.

‘I bet I can guess what you girls are up to!’ my husband Ivor, 67, will laugh at us.

After that £1,000 win last year, I won two more Full Houses – I scooped £1,000 in October and then another

£1,000 just before Christmas.

It was such brilliant timing, as I was able to treat every one of my 10 grandchild­ren to lots more presents.

My most recent win was on Play Off Palace in January.

I’d won the tickets the previous week when I had a Full House on Sapphire Bingo.

So as Ivor was making us dinner in the kitchen, I was watching the game play out.

‘Ivor, come quick!’ I yelled to him, when I realised that I’d won £1,000.

I couldn’t believe it! This was my fifth big win. How wonderful!

I rang Glynnis straight away and then called my son Brian, 48. They were both delighted at my news.

‘That’s brilliant! Mum,’ Glynnis said.

That weekend, me and Ivor went out to choose new blinds for our bungalow, along with a new cooker and a fridge-freezer.

We also splashed out on a trip to Scotland in February.

We had an amazing time, exploring and eating out.

And the fun didn’t stop there. Glynnis and I had another holiday, in Wales, in April, and I’m also hoping to take Ivor away to Blackpool soon to

‘i’m thrilled to be sharing all my wins with my family’

enjoy the sunshine at the beach.

I would like to treat my grandchild­ren to a holiday, too, so we hope to be going away to Spain during the summer.

I can’t wait! The kids are so excited. With the dire winter and spring we’ve had up North, it’ll be great to leave the rain and cloudy days behind.

Last year wasn’t a good time. I lost my brother and my son Andrew, aged just 49.

It’s been difficult, but life has to go on and I’m looking forward to this year, with so much planned.

I have 10 lovely grandchild­ren who keep me busy, and they live around the corner from Ivor and me. They’re always making me laugh.

Thank you Chat Mag Bingo for all my wins – I love sharing them with my family!

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