
Ask our doc

Don’t be shy – Chat’s Dr Martin Edwards is a family GP who’s seen it all before…


No antibiotic­s

QMy whole hand was red and swollen after an insect bite, but my doctor didn’t give me antibiotic­s! Why? Emily, Sheffield

AInfection from insect bites is quite rare. This was probably an allergic reaction, not an infection, so antibiotic­s won’t help. Take antihistam­ines from the chemist; see your GP if there’s pus or you’re feverish.

I’m yellow!

QI felt ill and turned yellow after a holiday abroad and my GP diagnosed hepatitis. But will I have permanent damage? Tali, Milton Keynes

AAlmost certainly not. You probably had an infection with hepatitis A virus from contaminat­ed food or water, which usually clears completely in a few weeks. Hepatitis B or C viruses can cause liver damage, but are caught from contaminat­ed injections, blood transfusio­ns or, rarely, sex.

Dry-mouth dilemma

QMy mouth has become so dry, it’s horrible and makes eating a chore. What’s wrong? Adrianne, Halifax

AA dry mouth in the morning could mean your nose is blocked. Constant dryness could be due to side-effects of drugs such as antidepres­sants, anxiety, dehydratio­n or, rarely, diseases which affect your salivary glands. Treatment depends on the cause, so see your GP – but, meanwhile, try a mouth spray.

 ??  ?? Dr Martin Edwards
Dr Martin Edwards
 ??  ?? Once bitten…
Once bitten…

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